Our National Executive
Charlotte Robertson
Ngaroma Williams
Tēnā koutou katoa Ka tuku mihi atu ki a koutou katoa Ko Ngaroma Williams tōku ingoa He uri nō ngā roherohenga katoa o Te Arawa waka mai i Maketū ki Tongariro Ka toro atu ōku tātai whakapapa anō hoki ki te waka o Tainui ko Ngāti Raukawa ki Wharepūhunga me Ngāti Awa ki tai o Mataatua waka. Me kī ko ōku mahi kei roto i te Whare Wānanga Pākehā, ko ngā mahi whakaakoranga mātauranga, anō hoki tēnei e kokia nei, e ākina nei, tēnei ao Māori kei roto i ngā momo mahi whakaakoranga. Ko te tikanga e whai au tēnei huarahi ka tīmata ki tāku whakatupuranga nōku te waimarie i tupu ake au i roto i te ao Māori waenganui ngā koeke me ngā whānau katoa o ngā pā o Te Whakarewarewa, Ngāpuna, Ōhinemutu, ko rātou kē ōku tino pūkenga. Greetings My name is Ngaroma Williams I have connections to all of Te Arawa people from Maketū to Tongariro. I am also connected to Ngāti Raukawa ki Wharepūhunga and Ngāti Awa. I work in the education space within New Zealand’s University in the School of Teacher Education. Integral to my work is weaving our Māori culture, language and identity into our teaching contexts, curriculum, and practices. I was fortunate enough to have been raised by my people within our own language, culture, and ways of doing. I am currently a Senior Lecturer (Early Childhood education, Primary education, Māori Education) within the School of Teacher Education at the University of Canterbury. I am passionate about Māori educational priorities and OMEP is one such catalyst to support the growth of our tamariki to become tomorrow’s leaders of our country. Marianne Keyes
Andrea Delaune