He Taonga tonu te Tamariki | For Each and Every Child
He tino taonga mātou, ngā tamariki. Tiakina mātou, āraia atu ngā kino i a mātou. Homai koa ngā mea e hauora ai, e kaha ai mātou. As tamariki, we are all special. Take care of us and keep us safe. Make sure we have what we need to make us healthy and strong. Right 3 For each and Every Child: He Taonga Tonu te Tamariki Join OMEP now and receive your own copy! or Download a pdf copy. A Teachers’ Resource, written specifically for early childhood settings/kaiako, is now available below This resource is designed to accompany the book For Each and Every Child; He Taonga Tonu Te Tamariki which was distributed by the Ministry of Education to every ECE centre in Aotearoa NZ in 2021. The intention of the resource is to help kaiako make strong, everyday links to children’s rights and UNCRC.